CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 9
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 09 (1997)(EMAP Images)(GB)(Track 1 of 4)[!][issue 1997-04].iso
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327 lines
; Script to install Directory Opus version 5.11
; Directory Opus Install Version $VER: Install-Opus 5.11 20.5.95
; (makeassign "Opus511_Install" (safe))
(makeassign "DOPUSDEST" (safe))
(complete 0)
;check user has Dos 2
(set DOSTYPE (/ (getversion) 65536))
(NOT (>= DOSTYPE 37))
(abort "Directory Opus 5 requires AmigaDOS 2.04 or higher."
" If you have an earlier version of AmigaDOS you must purchase an upgrade before using Opus 5.")
(set wbisgo 0)
; just in case the installation was restarted
;(makeassign "Opus511_Install" (safe))
; see if this is really an update
(set is_update 0)
(set DOPus_Dest (getassign "DOpus5" "a"))
; if update, be sure they want program in same place
(if DOPus_Dest
(if (askbool
(prompt "Opus 5 has already been installed on this system.\n"
"The current copy is located in the drawer named \"" DOPus_Dest"\"."
"\n\nDo you want this version installed in that drawer?"
"The installer has determined that you may already have a "
"copy of Opus 5 installed on your system. If this is wrong or "
"you want the update installed elsewhere, select NO as an "
"answer. Otherwise, select YES."
(default 1)
(set is_update 1) ; if user wants in same place
(set DOPus_Dest ; if user wants in different place
(tackon (askdir
(prompt "Directory Opus 5 will be installed in its own directory on your hard disk.\n\nWhere should the Opus 5 directory be created?")
(help @askdir-help)
(default @default-dest)
(set DOPus_Dest ; else if not an update, get a location for program
(prompt "Directory Opus 5 will be installed in its own directory on your hard disk.\n\nWhere should the Opus 5 directory be created?")
(help @askdir-help)
(default @default-dest)
; make DOpus drawer & icon if not there
(if (not is_update)
(makedir DOPus_Dest (infos))
; at this point we have a valid destination, so we tell installer where
; the application will end up so the exit page will be correct -- also,
; the installation log file (if any) will be copied to the destination
(set @default-dest DOPus_Dest)
(makeassign "DOPUSDEST" DOPus_dest (safe))
(working "Reading the Install disk for Directory Opus files.")
(source "Opus511_Install:lhex")
(dest "ram:")
(working "DeArchiving Directory Opus and related files.\n This will take a minute or so....")
(run "ram:lhex >NIL: <NIL: -qfw=DOPUSDEST: x Opus511_Install:DO5.lha ")
; tidyup
(run "c:protect DOPUSDEST:c/DopusRT5 +p")
(run "c:protect DOPUSDEST:ARexx/#? +s")
;Install the Readme file
(source "Opus511_Install:ReadMe.511")
(dest DOPus_dest)
(complete 80)
;Get the users startup choices
(set mode (askchoice
(prompt "Opus 5 can be started automatically when you boot your computer. What do you wish to do?")
(help @askchoice-help )
(choices "Start Opus 5 on boot"
"Start Opus 5 Iconified"
"Use Opus 5 as Workbench Replacement!"
"Do not start Directory Opus on boot")
(default 0)
(complete 90)
; start on boot normal
(if (= mode 0)
(source (tackon DOPus_dest "wbstartup/Opus5_Startup"))
(dest "SYS:WBStartup")
(dest "SYS:WBStartup/Opus5_Startup")
(settooltype "CX_POPUP" "YES")
; start on iconified normal
(if (= mode 1)
(source (tackon DOPus_dest "wbstartup/Opus5_Startup"))
(dest "SYS:WBStartup")
(dest "SYS:WBStartup/Opus5_Startup")
(settooltype "CX_POPUP" "NO")
; use as wb replacement
(if (= mode 2)
(set wbisgo 1)
(if (= (exists "c:loadwb") 1)
(rename "c:LoadWB" "c:LoadWB_old")
(source (tackon DOPus_dest "c/LoadDB"))
(dest "c:")
(rename "c:LoadDB" "c:LoadWB")
; start on boot iconified
(complete 95)
; modify S:User-Startup
; set the script for user startup
(startup "DirectoryOpus 5"
"The following instructions will added to your "
"\"S:User-Startup\" so that your system will be properly "
"configured to use Opus.\n\n"
"ASSIGN DOpus5: \"" DOpus_Dest "\"\n"
"PATH DOpus5:c Add \n"
(help "This will add commands to your S:user-startup file to "
"allow the correct operation of Directory Opus")
(command "ASSIGN DOpus5: \"" DOpus_Dest "\"\n")
(command "PATH DOpus5:c Add \n")
(if (askbool
(prompt"\nDo you wish to Install the ARexx LhADir archive to your Opus 5 Directory?\n\n"
"The LhADir archive was developed by Edmund Vermeulen.\nIt allows you to easily handle LHA and LZH files via Directory Opus 5\n")
(help "none")
(run "ram:lhex >NIL: <NIL: -qfw=DOPUSDEST: x Opus511_Install:LhADirOpus5V10.lha")
(message "\nThe LhADir has been unarchived into your current Dopus5: drawer.\n"
"\nOnce you have finished the Opus 5.11 installation, please "
"open the dopus5:LhADir directory and double click on the "
"'Inslall LhADir' icon to complete the installation of LhADir\n")
;make sure assignment is set up so that Opus 5 can run
(makeassign "DOpus5" DOPus_Dest)
(dest "RAM:serialise_cmd")
"dopus5:DirectoryOpus \n"
(execute "RAM:serialise_cmd"
(prompt "Serialise Directory Opus 5 \n"
"To protect your valuable investment in Opus 5 "
"and complete the installation procedure, you "
" SERIALISE your copy of Opus 5 with your details and "
" the registration number from your installation disk.\n\n"
"By the way, now is also a good time to complete"
" the registration card and return it to your local"
" distributor. Technical support and warranty will"
" only be honoured if a valid registration card has"
" been received."
"Directory Opus 5 must be serialised before it will run. Please select continue and enter the registration and serialisation details."
(run "delete ram:#?_cmd")
(if (= wbisgo 1)
(message "Since you have selected to run Directory Opus"
" as a Workbench Replacement, please remove"
" all disks from floppy drives and REBOOT your computer.\n\n"
"****** WARNING **********\n"
" You MUST have serialised your copy of Opus 5 BEFORE you re-boot!"
; reinitialize assigns
(if (not @pretend)
(makeassign "DOpus5" DOPus_Dest)
;Display the ReadMe
(if (> (run "Sys:Utilities/MultiView DOPUSDEST:ReadMe.511") 0)
(if (> (run "Sys:Utilities/AmigaGuide DOPUSDEST:ReadMe.511") 0)
(run "More DOPUSDEST:ReadMe.511")
(complete 100)
; cleanup
;(makeassign "Opus511_Install" (safe))
(makeassign "DOPUSDEST" (safe))
(exit text)